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Anno 2002

[152]    D.Dallet, P.Daponte: "Introduction to special issue on ADC modelling and testing-4th Workshop  on ADC modelling and testing". Measurement, vol.31, No.1, January 2002, pp.1-2.


[153]    P.Arpaia, P.Daponte, D.Grimaldi, L.Michaeli: "ANN-based error reduction for experimentally modeled sensors". IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Meas., vol.51, No.1, February 2002, pp.23-30.


[154]    L.Angrisani, L.Bechou, D.Dallet, P.Daponte, Y.Ousten: "Detection and location of defects in electronic devices by means of scanning ultrasonic microscopy and the wavelet transform". Measurement, vol.31, No.2, March 2002, pp.77-91.


[155]    P.Daponte: "Introduction to Special Issue on DAC Modelling and Testing". Measurement, vol.31, No.3, April 2002.


[156]    P. Daponte, G. Mercurio, S. Rapuano, G. Truglia: "An Image Processing Based Method for Stress Classification in Digital Telecommunication Networks", IEEE Instrum. and Meas. Technology Conference  Anchorage, AK, USA, 21-23 May 2002

[157]    D.Dallet, P.Daponte, E.Mancini, S.Rapuano: "Modelling and characterisation of pipelined ADCs". Proc. of IEEE IMTC-2002, Anchorage, USA, 21-23 May 2002, pp. 207-211.

[158]    R.Kochan, A.Sachenko, P.Daponte, V.Sobolev, and V.Kochan: "Design of embedded metrology subsystem for intelligent sensing instrumentation structure". Proc. of IEEE IMTC-2002, Anchorage, USA, May, 2002, pp.1171-1176.


[159]    P.Daponte, L.Michaeli: "Introduction to Special Issue on ADC modelling and testing: 5th Workshop  on ADC Modelling and Testing". Measurement, Elsevier Pubs., vol.31, No.4, June 2002, pp.219-221.


[160]    F.C.Alegria, P.Arpaia, P.Daponte, A. Cruz Serra: "An ADC histogram test based on small-amplitude waves", Measurement, Elsevier Pubs., vol.31, No.4, June 2002, pp.271-279.


[161]    P.Daponte, R.Holcer, L.Horniak, L.Michaeli, S.Rapuano: "Using an interpolation method for  noise shaping in A/D converters". 4th IEE ADDA-7th IMEKO TC-4 Wokshop on Modelling and Testing, Prague, Czech Rep., June, 2002, pp. 147-150.


[162]   V.Sobolev, A.Sachenko, P.Daponte, O.Aumala: "Metrological automatic support in intelligent measurement systems", Computer Standards & Interfaces, Elsevier Pubs, vol.24, No.2, June 2002, pp.123-131.

B.Coбoлев, A.Caчeнкo, П.Даронте, O.Aумала: 'METPOЛOГИЧECKOE ABTOCOПPOBOЖДEHИE B ИHTEЛЛEKTУAЛЬHЬІX ИЗMEPИTEЛЬHЬІX CИCTEMAX'. Дamчuкu CucmeмЬІ (Sensors & Systems), 2002, №7, С.66-71.


[163]    F.C.Alegria, P.Arpaia, A.M. da Cruz Serra, P.Daponte: "Performance analysis of an ADC histogram test using small triangular waves". IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Meas., vol.51, No.4, August 2002, pp.723-729.


[164]    A. Aiello, P. Daponte, L. De Vito, D. Grimaldi, S.Rapuano, G. Truglia: "Un metodo per la classificazione delle modulazioni digitali". Memoria ad invito al XIX Congresso Nazionale GMEE, Atti del XIX Congresso Nazionale GMEE, Parma, 9-11 settembre 2002, pp. 269-277.


[165]    S.Statev, G.Marinova, P.Daponte, C.Fernandes: "Comparaison entre les realisations parallele et serie du bloc de propriete intellectuelle de la transformation de Fourier rapide". Proc. of Int. Conf. on Basic Technologies for E-Business, Albena, Bulgaria, Sept. 15-18, 2002, pp.323-330.


[166]    P. Arpaia, L. De Vito, S. Rapuano, G. Truglia: "A Measurement Instrument For Fault Diagnosis In Qam-Based Telecommunications", 12th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium   Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation, Zagreb, Croatia,  Sept. 25-27 2002


[167]    G.Canfora, P.Daponte, S.Rapuano: "Remotely accessible laboratory for electronic measurement  teaching". Proc. of 12th IMEKO TC-4 Int. Symp. on Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation, Zagreb, Croatia, Sept. 25-27, 2002, pp. 526-531.


[168] L. De Vito, S. Rapuano, G. Truglia: "Characterization of an automatic digital modulation classifier". atti dell’International Conference Basic Technologies for e-business, Albena, Bulgaria, Sett. 2002, pp. 45-50.


[169]    P.Daponte, D.Grimaldi, M.Marinov: "Real-time measurement and control of an industrial system over a standard network: Implementation of a prototype for educational purposes". IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Meas., vol.51, No.5, October 2002, pp.962-969.


[170]    E.Cianca, M.Angelaccio, M.Luglio, M.Ruggieri, P.Daponte, R.Lojacono, R.Prasad: "Efficient integration of IP-based terrestrial and satellite systems: ARQ techniques and inter-segment handover", Int. Journal on Wireless Personal Communications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 23(1), Oct 2002, pp. 77-92.


[171]    P.Daponte, A.C.Serra: "Introduction to Special Issue on ADC modelling and testing: 6th Workshop  on ADC Modelling and Testing". Measurement, Elsevier Pubs., vol.32, No.4, December 2002, pp.229-230.


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Premio "Gyorgy Striker a Carlo Petrone"

Durante il congresso mondiale IMEKO, che si è tenuto a Busan in Corea del Sud, è stato conferito a Carlo Petrone, dottorando dell'Università del Sannio presso il CERN, il premio "Gyorgy Striker Junior Paper Award".

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