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[130]    P.Daponte, D.Grimaldi, L.Michaeli: "Neural network and DSP based decoder for DTMF signals". IEE Proceedings - Science Measurement and Technology, vol.147, No.1, January 2000, pp.34-40.


[131]    P.Arpaia, P.Daponte, M.Marinov: "Measurement systems distributed on geographical networks for educational purposes". Proc. of 2000 IEEE International Workshop on Virtual and Intelligent Measurement Systems, Annapolis, MD, USA, April 29-30, 2000, pp.62-68.


[132]    P.Daponte, S.Sangiovanni, E.Zappitelli: "Data acquisition systems for non periodic signal with real-time data compression". Measurement, vol.27, No.3, 2000, pp.145-158.


[133]    L.Angrisani, P.Daponte, G.Lupo', C.Petrarca, M.Vitelli: "Analysis of ultrawide-band detected partial discharges by means of a multiresolution digital signal-processing method", Measurement, vol.27, No.3, 2000, pp.207-221.


[134]    C.Fernandes, P.Daponte,  G.Marinova, M.Marinov, V.Gouliashki: "Geographically  distributed teaching laboratory for microelectronic design and testing" Proc. of the 3rd European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, Chateau l'Arc-Fuveau (France), May 18-19, 2000, pp.131-134.


[135]    P.Daponte, L.Michaeli: "Introduction to special issue on ADC modelling and testing-3rd workshop  on ADC modelling and testing". Measurement, vol.28, No.2, 2000, pp.61-64.


[136]    L.Angrisani, P.Daponte, M.D'Apuzzo: "The detection of echoes from multilayer structures using the Wavelet Transform". IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Measurement. vol.49, n.4, August, 2000, pp.727-731.


[137]    P.Daponte, G.Mercurio, S.Rapuano: "Misure per monitorare la qualità nelle reti di telecomunicazioni". Memoria ad invito al XVII Congresso Nazionale GMEE, Atti del XVII Congresso GMEE, Perugia, 14-16 Settembre 2000, pp.260-269.


[138]    A.Aiello, D.Grimaldi, P.Daponte: "A non-intrusive estimation of the carrier frequency in GMSK signals". Proc. of AUTOTESTCON 2000, Anaheim, California, USA, Sept. 18-21, 2000, pp.621-625.


[139]    P.Arpaia, P.Daponte, F. Maccaro, S. Rapuano: "Characterisation and modeling of the ADC Jitter". Proc. of 5th IMEKO TC-4 Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, Vienna, Sept. 26-28, 2000, pp.27-32.


[140]    P.Arpaia, P.Daponte, L.Michaeli, J.Saliga: "Reduction of systematic ADC errors by oversampling". Proc. of 5th IMEKO TC-4 Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, Vienna, Sept. 26-28, 2000, pp.33-38.


[141]    P.Daponte, L.Michaeli, M.N.Durakbasa, A.Afjehi-Sadat: Proc. of 5th IMEKO TC-4 Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, Vienna, Sept. 26-28, 2000.


[142]    P.Arpaia, A.Baccigalupi, F.Cennamo, P.Daponte: "A measurement laboratory on geographic network for remote test experiments". IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol.49, n.5, October, 2000, pp.992-997.


[143]    L.Angrisani, P.Daponte, M.D'Apuzzo: "A measurement method based on time-frequency representations for the qualification of GSM equipment". IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol.49, n.5, October, 2000, pp.1050-1056.


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