Anno 1992
[39] P.Daponte, R.S.Olivito, G.Spadea: "Ultrasonic and laser measurements in structure contact problems". Materials and Structures, RILEM, Paris, vol.25, 1992, pp.42-48.
[40] A.Baccigalupi, P.Daponte, M.D'Apuzzo: "An ADC error model for testing digitizing signal analyzers". Proc. of 5th Int. IMEKO Symp. on Electrical Measuring Instruments for Low and Medium Frequencies, Vienna, 8-10/April/1992, pp.167-174.
[41] P.Corsonello, P.Daponte, F.De Grazia, D.Grimaldi: "On two coupled inductors stray capacitance evaluation for CAD-oriented modeling". Proc. of 35th IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Washington, 9-12/August/1992, pp.1252-1255.
[42] F.Cennamo, P.Daponte, M.Savastano: "Dynamic testing and diagnostics of digitizing signal analyzers". IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Meas., vol.41, No.6, December 1992, pp.840-844.
[43] P.Daponte, L.Nigro, F.Tisato: "Object-oriented design of measurement systems". IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Meas., vol.41, No.6, December 1992, pp.874-880.