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Home Research Collaborations Collaborazione Unisannio - Istituzioni Uzbeke

Collaboration between the University of Sannio and the Uzbek Scientific Institutions

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Collaboration between the University of Sannio and the Uzbek Scientific Institutions

The collaboration between the University of Sannio and the Uzbek Scientific Institutions begins in 2015 with the project Tech_Reh – Technology in Rehabilitation supported by the European Agency EACEA on the key action Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the Exchange of good practices - Capacity Building in Higher Education and of which the University of Sannio was the leader.
The objective of the project was the transfer of medical rehabilitation technologies used in Europe to Uzbekistan. The project was financed for € 744.346,00.

The obtained results were:

  • The creation in Uzbekistan of 4 modern laboratories equipped with the most innovative technologies for rehabilitation. They are in:
    • Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT);
    • Karshi Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies;
    • Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute (TPMI);
    • Nukus branch of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.
  • The establishment of a course of study and the production of teaching material for the training of future Uzbek professors to provide them with the contents and the theoretical and practical support concerning the use of the latest technologies for rehabilitation.
  • The incoming in Italy, for Project activities, of 11 Uzbek teachers;
  • The outgoing in Uzbekistan, for Project activities, of 14 Italian teachers;
  • The stage at European Institutions in Benevento (Italy), Santo Stefano (Italy), Sorbonne (France) of 11 professors and 3 students, to be trained in the use of laboratory equipment and the critical analysis of the results obtained by them.
  • The establishment and official certification, in Uzbekistan, of short study courses concerning the use of the most modern technologies for rehabilitation.
  • The modernization, with the approval of the Uzbek Ministry of Education, of study courses related to the rehabilitation medical practice with topics related to the use of the most modern technologies for rehabilitation.
  • The establishment and official certification by the Uzbekistan Ministry of Education of a master's course concerning the use of the most modern technologies for rehabilitation.
  • The development of a Learning Management System for the sharing of the didactic material and to support the policy of Life Long Learning.
  • The development of a Web platform to disseminate the TechReh project results: www.techreh.uz.

The project has seen involved
the European partners:

  1. Università degli Studi del Sannio, Italy;
  2. Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (Sorbonne), France;
  3. Vilniaus Universitetas, Lithuania;
  4. Meditcinsky Universitet-Plovdiv, Bulgaria;
  5. European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine;
  6. PLUX - Wireless Biosignals S.A., Portugal;

and the Uzbekistan partners:

  1. Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT);
  2. Karshi branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies;
  3. Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute (TPMI);
  4. Nukus branch of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute;
  5. Center for Implementation Of E-Learning In Educational Institute;
  6. Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Center of Therapy.

During the project activities, 6 Uzbek institutions and companies, and a Portuguese one, asked to participate as Associate Partners:

  1. State Unitary Enterprise “Computerization Center”, Uzbekistan;
  2. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sport Trauma Center, Uzbekistan;
  3. Shams Scientific Center LLC, Uzbekistan;
  4. Karakalpak branch of Medical Association in Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan;
  5. Expo Tour Group, Uzbekistan;
  6. E-line press Ltd, Uzbekistan;
  7. Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Portugal.

The Italian company BTS also benefited from the project. By winning an international tender, it has provided the equipment of the aforementioned laboratories, for a total of € 190.076,00.

Below the list of equipment equipping each of the abovementioned laboratories:

Scientific equipment:

  1. Opto-electronic motion analysis system with 4 infrared cameras, with software for motion analysis;
  2. Inertial sensor for tests, such as Timed Up and Go, with software for the analysis of clinical protocols;
  3. System for the analysis of electro-myographic signals with 10 channels, acquisition and analysis software;
  4. Digital sensorized platform for force analysis;
  5. Therapeutic system for the rehabilitation reproducing interactive exercizes on a wide screen and analyzing the movements thanks to an infrared camera;
  6. Sensorized platform for postural re-education.

Equipment to support of the offices, the laboratories and for the development of the Learning Management System and of the web platform:

  1. Interactive Finger-touch projector Epson EB-595Wi
  2. Ultrabook Asus ZENBOOK UX303UB-R4182T
  3. Server Dell POWEREDGE T430-8258
  4. APC BR550GI Power Saving Back-UPS Pro550
  5. HGST TOURO DESK 4TB USB3.0 for periodical data backup
  6. Software per lo sviluppo del material di e-learning - Articulate Studio ’13 Standard
  7. 2 ASUS AIO V230ICGK-BC097X
  8. Ultrabook Dell XPS 13 9350
  9. Brother MFC-J6520 DW with additional cartridges LC1053PKS + LC109BK
  10. TP-LINK TD-VG3631 Wireless N300 VOIP ADSL2+ Modem Router
  11. Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5"

Thanks to the cooperation started with the TechReh project, it was possible to propose 2 further two-year project proposals within the international mobility project Erasmus+ Key Action 1 (KA107), both supported by the National Erasmus+ Agency, between Italy and Uzbekistan:

  • year 2016 - 2018: Project n. 2016-1-IT02-KA107-023733, supported with € 55.000,00.
  • year 2018 - 2020: Project n, 2018-1-IT02-KA107-047213, supported with € 55.398,00.
  • year 2020 – up today: project n, 2020-1-IT02-KA107-078197, supported with € 76.860,00.

Thanks to these projects the obtained results are:

  • a stage at University of Sannio in Benevento of 7 professors and 6 students;
  • a stage in Uzbekistan of 5 professors/researchers and an administrative unit from the 9th up to 17th November 2019;
  • in April 2019, at the presence of the Prefect of Benevento Dr Francesco Antonio Cappetta and of His Excellence the Consul of the Uzbek Republic in Italy, Mr Rashidov Shukhrat Shavkatovich, 4 international cooperation agreements were signed, responsible Prof. Francesco Lamonaca, between:
    1. the University of Sannio and the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute (ANNEX 1 [DOWNLOAD]);
    2. the University of Sannio and the Tashkent University of Information Technologies (ANNEX 2 [DOWNLOAD]);
    3. the University of Sannio and the San Pio Hospital (ANNEX 3 [DOWNLOAD]);
    4. the San Pio Hospital and the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute (ANNEX 4 [DOWNLOAD]).
      This event had wide coverage in the local media.
  • International mobility project “Project for Extra European Internship” – (PEEI) (ANNEX 5 [DOWNLOAD]);
  • In November 2019, during the visit of the Italian delegation in Tashkent and Nukus, 2 international cooperation agreements were signed, responsible Prof. Pasquale Daponte, between:
    1. the University of Sannio and the Tashkent State Technical University (ANNEX 6 [DOWNLOAD]);
    2. the University of Sannio and the Karakalpak State University (ANNEX 7 [DOWNLOAD]);
  • • Prof. Francesco Lamonaca, was appointed by the Karshi Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technology as the reviewer of the doctoral thesis abstract of the candidate Sherbek Normatov (ANNEX 8 [DOWNLOAD]).

It should be noted that in the continuity of scientific collaboration relationships and thanks to the international cooperation agreements already signed, in October 2019 the international mobility project “Project for Extra European Internship” – (PEEI) (ANNEX 5 [DOWNLOAD]) was signed among:

  1. the University of Sannio,
  2. the San Pio Hospital of Benevento,
  3. the Archdiocese Benevento,
  4. Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute,
  5. Tashkent University of Information Technologies.

The project foreseen the incoming into the Sannio’s Institutions of 3 female researchers in medicine and management in the period December-May 2020. One of the researchers will be financially supported by an Uzbek scholarship, while the other two researchers will receive Uzbek financial support for the costs of travel, the costs of stay will be sustained by the Archdiocese of Benevento while the costs of board will be sustained by the San Pio Hospital. For all three researchers the University of Sannio and the San Pio Hospital will support the costs of organizing and providing internship activities. The main objectives of the mobility project concern internship activities at the laboratories of the University of Sannio and the San Pio Hospital of Benevento.

Concerning the three-year project n. 2020-1-IT02-KA107-078197 activities, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they have been postponed to spring 2022. Currently, preliminary meetings have already been held for the management of available mobility by the four Uzbek participating organizations which have already started the procedures for selecting students with a specific call for applications. Information can be found at the following web links:

Below it is reported a list of all Uzbek institutions with which the University of Sannio has signed bilateral agreements or it has collaborations:

  1. Tashkent University of Information Technologies, (Tashkent);
  2. Karshi branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, (Karshi);
  3. Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, (Tashkent);
  4. Nukus branch of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, (Nukus);
  5. Center for Implementation of E-Learning In Educational Institutions, (Tashkent);
  6. Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Center of Therapy, (Tashkent);
  7. State Unitary Enterprise “Computerization Center”, (Karshi);
  8. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sport Trauma Center, (Tashkent);
  9. Shams Scientific Center LLC, (Tashkent);
  10. Karakalpak branch of Medical Association in Uzbekistan, (Nukus);
  11. Expo Tour Group, (Tashkent);
  12. E-line press Ltd, (Tashkent);
  13. Centre of Forensic Medicine Bukara-Brench (Bukhara);
  14. Andijan State University (Andijan);
  15. Namangan State University.

Fig.1 shows the map of Uzbekistan and through the yellow stars, the cities where the institutions listed above are located. The map shows how the action of the University of Sannio uniformly involves the entire Uzbek territory.

Fig.1 Map of Uzbekistan, the cities of the Uzbek institutions with which the University of Sannio has started collaborations are marked with a yellow star.


Finally, we wish to highlight the active and continuous support received by the Italian Embassy in Tashkent which has always followed the cooperation activities and made it possible to optimize the mobility activities of Uzbek teachers and students towards the Italian Institutions.



# File name Download
Annex 1 Annex_1_UNISAN-TPMI.pdf [DOWNLOAD]
Annex 2 Annex_2_UNISAN-TUIT.pdf [DOWNLOAD]
Annex 3 Annex_3_UNISAN-SanPIO.pdf [DOWNLOAD]
Annex 4 Annex_4_SanPIO-TPMI.pdf [DOWNLOAD]
Annex 5 Annex_5_PEEI_Firmato.pdf [DOWNLOAD]
Annex 6 Annex_6_UNISAN-TSTU.pdf [DOWNLOAD]
Annex 7 Annex_7_UNISAN-KSU.pdf [DOWNLOAD]
Annex 8 Annex_8_Sherbeck.pdf [DOWNLOAD]
Annex 9 Annex_9_TPMI_prof_Daponte.pdf [DOWNLOAD]
Annex 10 Annex_10_Letter_from_TPMI_to_Ambassador.pdf [DOWNLOAD]


Link - [ENG] - https://karsu.uz/en/2022/02/05/call-for-student-mobility/

Last Updated on Sunday, 20 February 2022 20:09  


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Francesco Picariello, PhD student in Information Technology at the Department of Engineering of Benevento, gets the "IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Graduate Fellowship Award 2015". The young researcher of the University of Sannio is part of the group L.E.S.I.M. and his supervisor is Prof. Pasquale Daponte. He has developed a calibration system for the Inertial Measurement Unit embedded in smartphone.

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