Post-degree research activities
The activities of post-degree research have interested Dr.Eng.Sergio Marmo that in collaboration with the Laboratoire de Microélectronique-IXL, University of Bordeaux I has developed a research work on:
Application de the trasformée continuous pars ondelettes (CWT) àthe localisation de dèfauts par microscopie ultrasonore àbalayage
Dr.Eng. Gianpaolo Mercurio has carried out his research activity in the framework of the project Biomedical Signal Elaboration by means of Time-Frequency Representations.
Dr. Loredana Caso has carried out her research activity in the field of software development for distributed measurement systems managing.
Dr. Eng. Cosmin Baboi and Dr. Eng. Catalin Damian, from Gh. Asachi Technical University, Iasi, Romania have carried out their research activity in the field of error correction in the ADCs.
Dr. Eng. Eulalia Balestrieri carried out her research activity in the field of measurement instrumentation for telecommunication systems.