Ongoing research projects
Technological Transfer Network (TecTNet) TEMPUS IV Call 6
Enabling technologies and innovative electronic scanning systems in millimetre and centimetre bands for avionic radar applications (Telemaco) National Operating Programme Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013
Completed research projects
Over the years, LESIM has been involved in the following projects:
Information Systems in Industry (Project SJEP-09484) TEMPUS
Extension (Project SJEP-09485) TEMPUS
The Establishment of Student Services Centre at Khazar University (Project UM JEP-21260-2000) TEMPUS
IP Development for Radiocommunications NATO Science Programme Cooperative Science & Technology Sub-Programme Collaborative Linkage Grant
Analog to Digital Converters on Wide Area Network (ADCWAN) Interlink
Italian-Croatian Remote Laboratory Distributed on Geographical Network Interlink
E-learning enviroment for disabled learners (eFESTO) Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation
Requirement analysis and specification determination of a portable satellite cytometer (CYTOSAT)
Learning environment specific for continuous updating of European professionals and SMEs that use electronic and control apparatus (IN.TRA.NET.) Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation
Experimental e-learning project geared towards disabled people with impaired hearing capabilities (P.S.E.L.D.A.) National Operating Programme 2000-2006
ADC and DAC metrology: standardization of figures of merit, error estimation and compensation, measurement uncertainty evaluation PRIN 2008
Wireless scenario innovative measurements under critical interference conditions PRIN 2008
Design and implementation of an innovative guardrail based on a new safety concept with a structural function (passive function) and an active function National Operating Programme Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013 Call 01/Ric
Project/internship Excellence Center (PRAXIS) Lifelong Learning Programme - Erasmus multilateral networks
Technology dissemination and transfer for companies working in the field of measurement RIDITT