Anno 1998
[102] L.Angrisani, P.Daponte, C.Dias, A.Valle: "Advanced processing techniques of high-voltage impulse test signals". IEEE Trans. on Instrum. & Meas., vol.47. No.2, April 1998, pp.439-445.
[103] P.Daponte, D.Grimaldi: "Artificial neural networks in measurements". Measurement, vol.23, 1998, pp.93-115.
П.Даронте, Д. Гримальди: 'Искусственные нейронные сети в измерениях'. Приборы и системы управления (Instruments and Control Systems), 1999. №3. С. 48-64.
[104] L.Angrisani, P.Daponte: "A proposal for the automatic evaluation of the mean curve required by the ANSI/IEEE STD 4-1978". IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol.47, No.5, October 1998, pp.1180-1186.
[105] L.Angrisani, P.Daponte, M.D'Apuzzo: "A virtual digital signal processing instrument for measuring superimposed power line disturbances". Measurement, vol.24, No.1, 1998, pp.9-19.
[106] P.Daponte, D.Grimaldi, L.Michaeli: "Design method of analog neural networks for pre-processing in measurement sensors". Measurement, vol.24, No.2, 1998, pp.109-118.
[107] P.Arpaia, F.Cennamo, P.Daponte: "Calibration and error compensation of analog to digital scan converters". Computer Standard and Interfaces, vol.19, 1998, pp.119-128.
[108] P.Arpaia, P.Daponte, L.Michaeli: "Analytical a - priori approach to phase-plane modeling of SAR A/D converters". IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Measurement, vol.47, No.4, August 1998, pp.849-857.
[109] P.Daponte, S.Sangiovanni, E.Zappitelli: "FPGA-based apparatus for acquisition and real-time compression of non-periodic signals ". Proc. of 10th IMEKO TC4 Int. Symp. on Development in Digital Measuring Instrumentation, (Eds. P.Daponte, M.D'Apuzzo, A.Langella), Naples, Italy, 17-18/Sept./1998, pp.953-958.
[110] P.Daponte, M.D'Apuzzo, A.Langella: Proceedings of 10th IMEKO TC4 Int. Symp. on Development in Digital Measuring Instrumentation, and 3rd Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, Naples, Italy, 17-18/Sept./1998, CUEN Publisher.
[111] L.Angrisani, P.Daponte, M.D'Apuzzo, A.Testa: "A measurement method based on the wavelet transform for power quality analysis" IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol.13, No.4, Oct. 1998, pp.990-998.
[112] F.Cennamo, P.Daponte, L.Michaeli: "Introduction to special issue on ADC Modelling and Testing". Computer Standard and Interfaces, vol.19, 1998, pp.169-171.