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 Anno 2001 

[144]    A.Aiello, P.Daponte, D.Grimaldi: "Neural approach to voiced-unvoiced-silence analysis for quality measurements in telecommunication systems", Proc. of Intelligent Quality Management and Metrology Symposium, Dubai, March 17-21, 2001, pp.892-896.


[145]    P.Daponte, et al., IEEE Std 1241-2000, "IEEE standard for terminology and test methods for analog-to-digital converters", 13 June 2001.


[146]    P.Arpaia, A. M. da Cruz Serra, P.Daponte, C.Libano Monteiro: "A critical note to IEEE 1057-94 Standard on hysteretic ADC dynamic testing". IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol.50, No.4, August 2001, pp.941-948.


[147]    G.C.Cardarilli, P.Daponte, A.Del Re, R.Lojacono, A.Nannarelli, S.Rapuano, M.Re: "UMTS signal analyser based on a TFR and a FPGA architecture". Proc. of Wireless Personal Multimedia Communication 2001, Aalborg, Danemark, Sept. 9-12, 2001, pp.301-305 (P 1B.2).


[148]    P.Daponte, R.Holcer, L.Horniak, L.Michaeli: "Using the interpolations method for noise shaping A/D converters". Proc. of 6th Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, Lisboa, Sept. 13-14, 2001, pp.134-137.


[149]    L.Angrisani, P.Daponte, M.D'Apuzzo: "Wavelet network-based detection and classification of transients". IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Meas., vol.50, No.5, October 2001, pp.1425-1435.


[150]    P.Daponte, G.Mercurio, S.Rapuano: "A wavelet networks-based method for the digital telecommunication system monitoring", IEEE Trans. on Instrum. and Meas., vol.50, No.6, December 2001, pp.1773-1780.


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