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Home Didactics Training Graduates Academic Year 2012 -2013

Academic Year 2012 -2013

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Year 2012 - 2013

Bachelor Degree


Thesis Title


Gennaro Laudato

Acoustic system for measuring the speed of vehicular traffic on the road barrier integrated


Giuseppe Antonio Raimondo Development and characterization of a capacitive proximity sensor integrated on road barrier July
Valentina Calandro Development and implementation of a system for the measurement of sound emissions resulting from vehicular traffic December
Angelo D'Arrissi A system for the detection and measurements of broadband signals for cognitive radio February
Antonio Della Ratta Graphical interface for 3D measurements of movements acquired by a body area sensor network February
Teresa Lo Visco measure the consumption of steam and compressed air in a plant for the production of expanded polystyrene March
Francesco Di Iorio A method for data analysis and diagnostics of a photovoltaic system May
Diana Maglione Measures for evaluating the efficiency of performance of a smart grid May
Mario Ragone Posturographic analysis and field-testing of a platform for tele-rehabilitation neuromotor May

Laureati Nuovo Ordinamento (Laurea Specialistica)

Domenico Caiazza Measuring the longitudinal profile of magnetic fields by vibrating wires October
Pasquale Ferraro Real-Time Monitoring Systems for active magnetic bearings in cryogenic applications December
Michele Iovanovich Measures on semi-automatic fish products through stereoscopic system December
Angelo Morra A balance board device for home care telerehabilitation exergaming December
Luca Sabato Modelling parasitic capacitance effects on ironless inductive position sensors December

Concetta De Stefano

Design and implementation of a system to measure the condition of the road surface on the integrated guardrail


Alessio Lillo

Enhanced integration and drift correction for fast rotating coil


Rita Di Candia

Measures choroidal vascular calibers of images oct "en face"


Giuseppe Flammia

Calibration system for portable detectors pollutant emissions


Luigi Forgione

Development and characterization of a system for tracking the movements based on network wireless sensors


Federica Ucci

Design and implementation of a system for the measurement of visibility integrated on road barriers


Stefano Troisi

Modelling of conductive shieled effect on an ironless inductive position sensor


Last Updated on Monday, 26 January 2015 23:48  


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