Working Group on Analogue-to-Digital & Digital-to-Analogue Converter
Metrology serves as a forum for users, developers, and researchers
involved in researches on ADCs and DACs, under IMEKO Technical Committee on
Measurement of Electrical Quantities. This forum allows to come together
partners dealing with all problems concerning:
ADC and DAC modelling;
ADC and DAC testing;
ADC and DAC specifications;
Digital and analogue methods of systematic data
ADC and DAC interfaces in virtual instruments.
In order to
reach this aim a network of members consisting from the representative of
the scientific institutions, industrial partners and distributors should be
created. Its main goal is the development of technical knowledge and
exchange of information between all partners concerning ADCs and DACs. Such
research networks will encourage interaction between different disciplines,
the combination of different technologies, the transfer of techniques from
one scientific domain to another, the dissemination of results and
co-operation between academia and industry.
To this aim
the Working Group on Analogue-to-Digital & Digital-to-Analogue
Converter Metrology will:
disseminate information, about ADCs and DACs, by
means of appropriate networks linking groups;
organise periodical meetings on the above mentioned
support from the scientific point of view the
publication of books, notes, and so on;
create a WWW for a real time exchange of ideas and
encourage research teams from a number of countries
to work together on high quality joint research projects;
promote the training and mobility of researchers,
particularly young post-doctoral researchers;
participate in international activities dealing with,
ADCs and DACs evaluation methodologies, their architectures and
set up special interest groups to address the
activities of international bodies dealing with issues of interest of
the Working Group, such as standardisation issues (e.g. IEEE TC-10);
create links with partners from industry; · prepare
simple rules for final users to assess A/D and D/A converters.