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Home Team Team Ioan Tudosa
Ioan Tudosa
Research Fellow

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +39 0824 305600

Information: Ioan Tudosa joined the Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy, in 2012, where he currently is a Research Fellow in field of electronic instrumentation and measurement. He received the B.A.S. (2008), M.S. (2009), and the PhD. (2011) degrees in electrical engineering from the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Energetics and Applied Informatics, Romania. His research interests include developing of new architectures for data acquisition systems (DAQ), hardware design for front-end DAQ, applied Compressed Sensing (CS) for DAQs, design of embedded systems, distributed measurement systems including Wireless Sensor Networks and digital signal processing systems. He is currently involved in several research projects where he is responsible for: - developing of circuits and systems for Sinewave Phase Measurement from mHz up to GHz; - developing of circuits and systems for Analog-to-Information Converters (e.g. architectures based on wavelet band-pass sampling); - developing of firmware for microcontrollers, FPGAs, and soft-processors; - developing of distributed sensors networks for real-time human movement tracking using IMU/MARG intelligent units; - developing of intelligent ambient light sensing. Dr. Tudosa is Senior Member of the IEEE, Signal Processing Society and Instrumentation & Measurement Society.





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Pasquale Daponte, professore ordinario di misure elettriche ed elettroniche all'Università del Sannio, ha ricevuto l'Outstanding Organizational Leadership Award della IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) per il 2020 con la seguente motivazione: "For contributions to metrology for aerospace applications". Questo premio viene annualmente attribuito a chi si è particolarmente distinto nel proporre e organizzare eventi di particolare interesse nel settore di interesse della AESS. Al prof. Daponte va il duplice merito di aver promosso la metrologia nel campo dei sistemi aerospaziali e di aver promosso e organizzato un evento di grande successo.
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